
Wasup guys am sorry this came late i have been seriously busy......... doing nothing....(who does that? me).i was kinda sick and am on pills and it is draining me of all my energy.
Anyways am right here now and this right here is my first book review. A friend of mine hooked me up with this book and since then i can't get enough and i have refused to return it(don't judge me yet its a long story lol..and i promise to return it).
i hope you enjoy my review and have a nice evening.


Author:Joyce Meyer

year of publication:2013

Book summary : The book is basically about the struggle Christian folks have in accepting the true personality of God. Joyce meyer in this book explained the reason behind peoples rigidness to Gods love,mercy and forgiveness and she sure has a first hand experience because she too had a hard time getting it in as a result of the distorted image she had of a father( can you believe she was sexually abuse by her dad like countless time and the mom knew about all that but did nothing....her dad was definitely the definition of "mean").she highlighted practical step by step ways in understanding the true nature of God with "gazillions" of bible verses that will make you fall in love over and over again with yourself and God.

what i loved: i love the fact that the book emphasizes on the death of religion a long time ago which we still practise till date passively or actively..(hello!!!!..Gods love cant be bought..cant be worked for and you sure can't manipulate it...he loves you because he desires too....Love is God).
And also the ease to which you can relate with the book no matter the age ,what you going through,what you been through...with real life stories.
You are sure going to have your faith solidified and find peace from within to forgive yourself,those who hurt you and have better hopes for the future.

Final verdict: The book was awesome..."back to back"..more joyce meyer books in my reading list. i'd wish i could put the whole of it here but then its a review...so you can go get yours(oh yes! i will get mine before you point your fingers). it's in every Christian bookshop,relatively cheap that was before the "buhari regime" thing sha 1000naira only but if any cents was added....is nothing compared to the outcome of reading this. wow!!! God IS NOT MAD AT ME!

Keep your comment rolling in Any suggestion of books for understanding Gods Love?, Why do you think folks find it hard to accept God's love.


                       Much Love!

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