4 Ways To Prevent Your Account From Hackers
Hello lovelies how are you doing? Hope your week turned out great...well mine was...hectic and great at thesame time. Hectic since school has been on session which means its been classes upon classes upon classes......great because one way or the other have been able to be on top of my game. I'm not here to tell you about lectures but keeping to the words from my last post...and if you missed that you could get the headstart here

P.S - my make-up and gele learning dairy would be on hold for a while but then I think I've got one last post on that so watch this space.
Overtime I've found out that one of the reason we go through trying times from painful ones like getting hemorrhoid (click here if you missed the post on that), heartbreak, sexual abuse,failed business dreams to subtle things like getting slipped by banana peels or getting your Facebook hacked is to learn and in turn help others not to fall into the same ditch like you did. So talking about "not falling into" a ditch here is 4 ways not to get your account hacked....
P.S - my make-up and gele learning dairy would be on hold for a while but then I think I've got one last post on that so watch this space.
Overtime I've found out that one of the reason we go through trying times from painful ones like getting hemorrhoid (click here if you missed the post on that), heartbreak, sexual abuse,failed business dreams to subtle things like getting slipped by banana peels or getting your Facebook hacked is to learn and in turn help others not to fall into the same ditch like you did. So talking about "not falling into" a ditch here is 4 ways not to get your account hacked....
When I say strong password guys? This can't be overemphasized and I'm not talking about using the name of yourself, bestie,pet, love ones then adding a few digit to it...nah! that won't work..boo I'm talking about a mixture of lower and capital case alphabet, 8-12 digits long and try hard not to forget it like I did...one of the reason I couldn't get back my account when it was hacked was because I couldn't remember the actual password.(yeah! Bite me already lol)
Chang your password often
If you got the first one right you don't need to go through this lane of changing your password every now and then but mind you incase of an incidence of theft the first thing to do is locate the nearest cafe and change the password to your social media accounts.
Don't click on links anyhow
I dont know much about guys but I know some girls who are suffering from the clickomania diseases....shawty clicks everything willy nilly without reading through. I know the "clicks" are just a click away but the world has gone crazy overnight love...I think you would want to see if there's anything fishy about that link sent to you before going click! click!..
Always remember to logout from other devices
I believe that at one point or the other we're guilty of this...is really not a crime when you use a friends device to go online to check on something probably because you're out of sub or you've got a dead phone...or worst case scenario: you lost your phone and you needed to checkup what's happening on the other side. Beside the fact that some friends are creepy ...a lot too numerous could go wrong always logout when your done.
Drop your comment lets connect, do you know of anyone or has any of your social media account been hacked?..how did you/they go about it? What other ways can you prevent this from happening?